I feel suitably recovered from becoming a dad for the second time to get back to important activities once again. A slow start perhaps, as I will just be posting a collection of recent beer photographs just now. But this doesn't mean I've been slacking — why, we brewed our own espresso dunkelweisse and wrote an article about it and got a double spread feature for Monday Magazine's beer issue.
Not bad for a dude covered in babypoo. On with the show:
Westy 12 bottle cap shot. Beer courtesy of legendary wife. |
Yummy Spring Rite, Driftwood's Local Malt Abbey Ale |
The five grains used to brew our Espresso Dunkelweisse. From front to back: blurry malt, husky grain, fullcup malt, vague wheat and barely-visible stuff |
Dave and I celebrated my son's birth with two lovely barley wines, a decent stout and a punchy little stogie. |
Went crazy with the Lightroom settings. Can't remember what this is. |