Monday, June 27, 2011


Hello reader.

I feel suitably recovered from becoming a dad for the second time to get back to important activities once again. A slow start perhaps, as I will just be posting a collection of recent beer photographs just now. But this doesn't mean I've been slacking — why, we brewed our own espresso dunkelweisse and wrote an article about it and got a double spread feature for Monday Magazine's beer issue.

Not bad for a dude covered in babypoo. On with the show:

Westy 12 bottle cap shot. Beer courtesy of legendary wife.

Yummy Spring Rite, Driftwood's Local Malt Abbey Ale

The five grains used to brew our Espresso Dunkelweisse.
From front to back:
blurry malt, husky grain, fullcup malt, vague wheat and barely-visible stuff

Dave and I celebrated my son's birth with two lovely barley wines,
a decent stout and a punchy little stogie.

Went crazy with the Lightroom settings. Can't remember what this is.